Tibia Wat Tools 8.70Bueno creo que su nombre lo dice todo, es una herramienta o bot o como le quieran llamar para esos servers donde hay gerras. Cuenta con las funciones basicas de cualquier bot como lo es autocomer, curarse y demas, les dejo el feature (no traducido) para que lean todas las funciones de esta tool.
InGame Tools:
- AutoHeal - with high and low healing and adjustable HP Check (how often to check HP) and exhaust time.
- Multi Hotkey Heal - a great tool which allows you to have all your healing hotkeys in one. You can even chose every hotkey you like on the keyboard to heal with. This feature includes default healing, middle healing and low healing. The middle and low healing also got a combo option, which sends 2 hotkeys to the TibiaClient. It's a great tool for paladins who would like to use a healing spell and a potion at the same time without using 2 different hotkeys.
- ComboBot - set the combo leader and the combo word and you're on! When the leader says the triggering word in the default channel, everyone who sees it will combo at the same time. The bot sends a hotkey of your choice to the TibiaClient wich you can edit if you want to use a rune or a spell. The ComboBot doesn't target the player.
- Perfect Paralyze Push - one of the most effective tool for war! Let a team mate host the PPP server and connect to it. When he uses a chosen hotkey to side step push a player, he will send a command to the paralyzer to paralyze exactly before he is pushed. You can't survive this.
- ManaTrain/RuneMaker & AutoFisher - Set the spell you want to use, how much soulpoints you need for a rune. Want to log out when you got no soul left? Easy! Just use the "Logout if no soul" option! The AutoFisher also fishes when you have the TibiaClient minimized. Just place out the fishing squares and you are good to go!
- More InGame Tools will be added as I update the bot. There will be Auto Mana Shield, Auto Haste, Ant Paralyze and similar. If you got an idea please write in the forums! I will not create any cavebot, this is a tool for wars!
- Online Check - a great tool wich lets you keep an eye on who's online on your world. The "Friends" tab lets you add all your team mates in a list and check if they are online. There is an AutoUpdate feature which updates how many friends are online every X seconds. The "Enemies" tab is the same, but there is a feature called Enemy Masslog Warning, wich alerts you if more than X enemies logs in in Y seconds.
- Guild Lookup - write in the name of the guild and the tool will list up all the players online in the guild. SD damage and healing power is included. The Guild Lookup is a stripped version of the TibiaLand Guildcheck.
- Frag Check - just paste your frags and press the button, 5 seconds later you will know how many frags you got left until reaching the red skull limit.
- Full MiniMap - install the full MiniMap for Tibia with a mouseclick! Great tool if you have reinstalled your computer or just don't got the map!.
- Setting Improver - checks the current settings of your TibiaClient and gives you abilities to improve them.
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